We do not know L. And we perhaps do not need to know much about her, either.
Just as she preferred, we read her in her anonymity.

I was kindly welcomed in the SEA Foundation’s reading circle by Michaela Davidova who also moderated the event, as part of SEA Foundations’ longer-term research of art and sustainability fold #07 on Solidarity. 

We read L.’s text to think about revolutions through an economy of images, the images which make the bodies of women and queer people visible, and speculates about the forms of resistance (on the ground and in the virtual space) that connect us. The facelessness and namelessness of the writer not only opens up the conversation on solidarity with non-human and material things, but also raises questions about the possibility of solidarity within the spectacle economy of the artistic and cultural field. It makes space to think about whose bodies we connect to, in solidarity, and how.

Image is taken from printed pages of a visual archive of images of the revolution, a project by a collective of anonymous artists.