Project of My Selfis a postgraduate thesis project at The Berlage Center (2013-2014).
The project investigates everyday life following Foucauldian discourse of biopolitics. With politicization of everyday life, when life itself has become an object of governance, the project investigates the blurring separation of life and work.

As “life” is the emblem of living conditions, the practice of living is one of the paradigmatic means for a (critical) project. So the practice of living of the author here becomes the means of praxis. Repetition and temporalization of everyday acts and decisions of living (ethics), becomes a critical means to explore an architectural project despite the given frames of architectural practices.
The projects aims to reissue notions of project, praxis, mediality of technique, and autonomy in today’s practice of architecture through exploring practices of the self.

See the archive of the project here.